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i've been here all along 2024 (ongoing)

i’ve been here all along, 2024 (ongoing) This series began as a public 10 day open portrait studio in Hanoi, Vietnam where visitors to the gallery space at Manzi were invited to be photographed and become part of the exhibition as daily updates were printed and hung on the walls.  At the closing, people were […]

tesserae, 2017 - ongoing

tesserae, 2017 (ongoing) plural noun: a small block of stone, tile, glass, or other material used in the construction of a mosaic.   The portfolio includes the intimate, interior portraits of people produced in combination with quiet, often empty exterior city views photographed both on very outdated b&w film of unpredictable quality and high-resolution digital. […]

In a Green Island, 2017

In a green island, 2017    5 channel video installation, ambient sound, 20 minutes, looped – the intersection of privately contracted migrant construction workers asleep in a French colonial-era botanic garden adjacent to the government building site they worked on, Hanoi  Installation view

Eclipse, 2016

Eclipse, 2016 Short film collaboration with artist/performer/director Viet Le View Film

euro2aura, 2015

euro2aura, 2015; Oil painting, photocopy, pencil drawing, artist book, 17 minute film Reflecting on Walter Benjamin’s theory of art and mechanical reproduction, the work explores the potential of imbuing a mass-produced object, in this case a 20-euro note, with the aura of a work of art.  The resulting images, reproduced in Hanoi from a scanned […]

Sorry, Can You Wait One Minute? 2013

Sorry, Can You Wait One Minute? 2013, Video installation with photographs The photographer makes portraits. The photographer leaves the subjects alone with the camera for a minute. The photographer returns.  What changes in the absence of the photographer? View film      

Catalog Of Gesture, 2016

Catalog Of Gesture, 2016 ‘A veritable atlas of imagery about movement and time’ (E. Muybridge) Produced in a Berlin studio during the 2016 US election cycle.  The presented groupings of several hundreds of images borrow from the formal motion studies of Eadweard Muybridge while also exploring the modern day hieroglyphics of gestures both casual and […]

Hanoiville, 2014-15

Hanoiville 2014-15 A small collection of intimate portraits of friends and acquaintances who resided in Hanoi during those years.  Photographed in spaces seeming both familiar and temporary, most of the people pictured no longer live here.

Sitting still, 2013

Sitting Still, Hanoi 2013 A series of 20-second, long-exposure daylight portraits produced during an open-studio the week before being evicted from the site, a former state-owned pharmaceutical factory in the heart of Hanoi which came to be known as Zone 9.    

Still.  Life. 2013

Still. Life. 2013 On objects and balance.  And Van who cannot balance.        

That Little Distance

That Little Distance 2013 These portraits were produced inside an old, previously state-owned factory in Hanoi, Vietnam.  The room had a large, north-facing window permitting no direct sunlight – only a soft, even illumination throughout the day – like a Victorian daylight studio would.  The exposure times of the photographs are between 15 and 20 […]

Lying Down, 2012

Lying Down, 2012 The photographer’s daughter in repose in places that were very familiar to us – typically visited or passed-by in the course of our normal day or otherwise regularly; a way to take time to notice them in the moment and observe the change in retrospect.

Jo Ha Kyu

Jo Ha Kyu Tokyo 2011   Exhibited as a companion series to the film Jo Ha Kyu by filmmaker Nguyen Trinh Thi, Japan Foundation, 2012

The Desiring Garden, 2011

The Desiring Garden, 2011 Portraits of strangers produced in the heart of densely urban Hanoi in slightly absurdist environments fabricated by the photographer.  The objects placed within the settings created in small parks in the city were sourced at local wet markets – cut flowers, harvested fruit and vegetables, raw or cooked animals – embellish […]

The Long Bien Picture Show

The Long Bien Picture Show

This portfolio of 50 portraits was made as a continuation of the work begun in When Evening Comes. The portfolio was part of an exhibition I produced and curated called The Long Bien Picture Show – four photographers and four filmmakers working in the same area during the same 3 month period.

Narrative Cinematography Reel

Narrative Reel

Commercial - Ponds Twist

Commercial – Ponds Twist

Commercial - Milo

Commercial – Milo

Commercial - Laughing Cow

Commercial – Laughing Cow

When Evening Comes

When Evening Comes

Portraits made in the Long Bien night market, summer 2009. A selection published at burn magazine, May 2010.

Rented White Gowns

Rented White Gowns

In Vietnam the wedding album is produced prior to the wedding and displayed at the reception. Some images are made in studios but many are produced in the city’s few remaining green spaces. 2008-09

Across Long Bien

Across Long Bien Bridge

Spanning the Red River, heavily bombed, over 100 years old; the Long Bien Bridge is both an iconic symbol and the practical means of getting somewhere or nowhere at all. 2008

State of Youth, 2007-08

State of Youth

A series focused on contemporary youth culture in Vietnam, 2007-08. Funded by the Fulbright Foundation.

A single image

Single Images